Thursday, November 15, 2012

The State from 11-7-12

The State and the status quo won a huge victory yesterday. The financial corporate elite still control everything because both sides of the political scene are owned. Why do we voluntarily give them our power and will?

Some things that are happening: continual unconstitutional undeclared wars (killing millions of civilians) and foreign nation building, endless drone bombings that violate interna
tional law, indefinite detainments, war on drugs (more DEA raids on legal state dispensaries and billions blown to continue with the 50% occupancy of the jails with “drug” offenders), endless private central banking note creation to bail out the financial elite (Federal Reserve), bank and corporate bailouts, more police state violence against people not happy with current conditions, the unconstitutional IRS corporation's taxing a third of all people's labor to fund the elite's extravagance, forced purchasing of products, NSA wiretapping of Internet/email and phone lines, more Patriot Act surveillance, rogue CIA operations globally killing without warrant, Internet censorship bills, 30,000 drones patrolling U.S. Skies, chemtrails and geoengineering of the weather, a continued crackdown on whistle-blowers, more programming and propaganda aimed at the populace to control opinions and the allowed narrative, propping up fascist dictators in the middle east (some supporting apartheid), millions more without income other than the government, uncontrollable inflation...

Why do we continue to legitimize the State's operations when no real change of policy is ever enacted? The policies of the Bushes and Clintons are still in effect; the fascism is perpetually increasing. The State continues with its favorite activities of war and control of resources through banking. When will we decide that Americans as a people are not their government and have little in common with the ruling entity they were born into. Why are we automatically forced into subservience to a bunch of old men making rules (not in accordance with common law) that pertains to a geographical area within some random lines drawn on a map upon birth? The State protects information through secrecy and wealth through violence; the State is creating and mandating inequality. If we had true equality on this large organic spaceship, we would be closer to a system of voluntary cooperation and not a system of hierarchy that concentrates power in the hands of a select few and uses secrecy and control against its own populace in order to continue in its tyrannical aims.

People all around the world are waking up to the crimes and injustices of their respective State apparatus and they are taking to the streets in demonstrations and are going to social media outlets to describe their disdain for an organization that forces them to relinquish a third of their labor “for the greater good” and then uses the money to do terrible things or on any whim that the bought off corporate representatives have in mind. How is it that it has become widely accepted that an organization can take your wealth, align with large businesses that have a sole purpose to gain more wealth, kill and occupy land in an interest of acquiring wealth, imprison people, create a list of activities that cannot be indulged in “for safety”, spy upon you, propagandize you, and harm your health?

Want change? Don't give the State any legitimacy. What gives them the authority to rule over your free will? Mostly they have power because they use the force of fear of weapons or detainment. Only your acquiescence to this travesty keeps the maddening system functioning. Stop believing in their proclaimed authority and lets create a more equitable and loving world for all! We are at the precipice of a new age. All around there is a shift in a awareness taking place; the people are rising up and demanding truth and equality. Let us all shift our perceptions for a better more joyful experience on Earth.

With Love,


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